Sunday, September 08, 2024

Sham Rights Versus Real Rights

 If you would like to download a pdf of the following material, then, please go to: "Sham Rights Versus Real Rights"

1.       God has not granted Zionists the Biblical right to Palestine or surrounding lands. To whatever extent anything has been granted (and this is a contentious issue), the granting was to those (whether Jewish, Christian, Muslim, indigenous peoples, Hindu, or otherwise) who were committed to submitting themselves to God, and this is something which Zionists have never shown themselves capable of doing in any way but a self-serving manner.

2.       Sykes and Picot didn't have the right in 1916 to arbitrarily divide up the Middle East on behalf of the British, French, Italian, and Russian governments.

3.       James Balfour didn't have the right in November 1917 to promise Palestine -- in part or whole -- to the Zionists via the latter's agent, financier, and protector (Lord Rothschild).

4.       The Nazis didn't have the right to help move and transport Zionists to Palestine in the 1930s -- which was Germany's preferred solution prior to developing subsequent forms of a “solution”.

5.       The British had no rightful mandate from Palestinians -- during the period of 1920 to 1948 -- to rule over Palestine, nor did the British have a right to be so incompetent when it came to preventing Zionists from committing acts of terrorism against, and stealing property from, the Palestinian people.

6.       The Zionists -- in the form of Haganah (1920), Irgun (1931), and/or the Stern Gang (1940) -- had no right to commit terrorist acts in Palestine during the period between 1920 and 1948. The very first hi-jacking of airplanes and the first terrorist bombings in the Middle-East were conducted by members of the foregoing organizations.

7.       Meyer Lansky (head of Murder Inc., the American mob-directed assassination bureau) had no right to ship weapons to Palestine. He was merely a Zionist thug helping fellow Zionist thugs through his forte of illicit, illegal, as well as ignoble activities, and the Zionists in Palestine knew the foregoing facts because such realities were the reason why Lansky was never granted citizenship in the Zionist entity created by the U.N. .

8.       The U.N. had no right to take land away from Palestinians in order to recognize a terrorist-based, Zionist government as a separate country in 1948.

9.       The Zionists had no right to declare that the geographical area known as Palestine was: “A land without a people for a people without a land” because such a claim was never true.

10.   The U.N. had no right to apportion the majority of land in Palestine (56%) to a minority people (Zionists, most of who came from outside Palestine, constituted less than a third of the population during the act of partition in 1948).

11.   The Zionists had no right in 1947-1948 to conduct ethnic cleansing in more than 70 Palestinian cities/towns/villages driving out 750,000 Palestinians from their homes, and killing thousands in the process.

12.   AIPAC (which, in 1959, became the renamed successor of the 1954-formed American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs) has no right to operate as a political entity within the United States as long as it fails to abide by the requirements of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

13.   Lyndon Johnson had no right to betray his country -- as both President and Commander in Chief -- when he chose to protect Zionist interests rather than to protect and to assist the American service people serving on the USS Liberty in 1967.

14.   Lyndon Johnston and James Angleton had no right to ensure that Zionists were able to illicitly secure the resources necessary to construct nuclear weapons.

15.   Zionists have no right to hold the world hostage to a threat of nuclear holocaust if such Zionists are not given what they desire.

16.   People who are acting members of any of the three branches of federal, state, or local government in America have no right to be citizens of both the United States and any other country simultaneously. This constitutes an inherent conflict of interest.

17.   With the possible exception of John Kennedy, all presidents from Truman to Biden have betrayed the rights of Americans by showing preference for the cause of Zionists over the needs of Americans. For example, the two-three billion dollars per year that has been given to support Zionists should have been directed toward re-building American infrastructure, or helping those in America who are sick, homeless, hungry, and/or jobless.

18.   Self-absorbed political narcissists such as: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and Robert Kennedy, Junior have no right to support, aide, or abet the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians, most of whom are women and children.

19.   The conflict between Palestinians and Zionists did not start on October 7, 2023. The Zionist-side of the conflict started in the late 1800s when people like Theodor Herzl (founder of the Zionist Organization) encouraged other Zionists to invade, settle, and colonize land which was not theirs, while the Palestinian side of the conflict began when the aforementioned invaders started stealing from, terrorizing, imprisoning, and killing Palestinians in the 1930s-1940s and who, as a result, were forced to exercise their right to defend themselves against a foe that was being financially supported, armed, as well as encouraged to become settler-colonialists in Palestine by, among others, America, England, France, and Germany.

20.   Zionism did not come into existence following the holocaust but arose prior to, and independently of, that set of events. However, never wishing to let a crisis go to waste, opportunistic Zionists have callously used the holocaust as a propaganda tool to further their own oppressive ends and, in the process, have misdirected attention away from the threat entailed by all forms of pathological tyranny -- including that of Zionism.

21.   Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, had no right to invite an acknowledged war-criminal as well as a perpetrator of crimes against humanity to address the United States Congress, but he did have a fiduciary responsibility to the people of the United States (which he failed to exercise) to shield the latter from being exposed to anyone who had such a callous and malignant disregard for humanity. Moreover, one is sickened to know that there are hundreds of Representatives and Senators in the U.S. Congress who were willing to stand up 56-times to offer standing ovations indicating that they are fully on board with terrorism, murder, cruelty, theft, torture, and barbaric oppression so that the Zionist entities that have bribed those same governmental officials will be able to continue to interfere with the American political process.

22.   Zionists have no right to be anti-Semitic ... that is, Zionists have no right to harm, abuse, demonstrate bias and bigotry against, or exercise hatred toward Palestinians who -- unlike many, if not most, Zionists -- are actually a Semitic people.

23.   The leaders of Hamas had, and have, no right to place the lives, children, and property of millions of Palestinians at extreme risk in order to advance a morally questionable military and political strategy.

24.   Zionists -- especially the current Prime Minister -- helped to support, protect, and substantially finance Hamas leadership. Neither side of the foregoing destabilizing collusion had the right to actively deceive and manipulate the people of Gaza as well as people in the surrounding areas who only wanted to live in peace.

25.   England, France, Germany, Zionists, the United Nations, America, and the leaders of Hamas might have all manner of self-righteously proclaimed and dubiously obtained laws, rules, and mechanisms of power through which they conduct themselves as they like. However, those countries, organizations, and groups have never actually possessed anything but a self-delegated sense of delusional entitlement as their rationalization for oppressing and betraying the people of Palestine in the despicable manner which the aforementioned countries, organizations and groups have already done and continue to do.

26.   Miko Peled, Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappé, Dan Cohen, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté, Katie Halper, Lee Camp, Sam Seder, Noam Chomsky, and I.F. Stone -- as well as many other Jewish individuals who could have been mentioned and who have all spoken out against the Zionist project of ethnic cleansing, terrorism, colonialism, and brutal oppression that is taking place in Palestine -- are not the “self-hating Jews” whom Zionists have tried to induce people around the world to derisively dismiss, but, rather, the previously identified individuals are people who give expression to the moral courage, critical reflection, and intellectual rigor that is exemplified in the Jewish spiritual tradition, but, unfortunately, these same qualities seem to be entirely absent from what appears to be the morally bankrupt and corrupt, political-philosophical ideology which is known as Zionism.

27.   Zionists are, and always have been, an occupying force that has become lost in the obsessive, devolutionary, hysterical lawlessness of a colonial-settler way of existence which seeks to spread its pathogenicity everywhere it goes. Consequently, as an occupying power, they have no rights under International Law to defend themselves against those Palestinians who are pursuing the latter's inherent right to be sovereign individuals.

28.   Everyone has a right to sovereignty.

29.   No one has a right to: Ethnic cleansing, torture, terrorism, collective punishment, arbitrary detentions, or behaviors that deprive people of food, shelter, water, education, health care, and the capacity to communicate freely with others about matters that adversely, if not destructively, affect one’s right to sovereignty.

30.   A third of the people being decimated in Gaza and the West Bank are Christians.

31.   Consequently, those Christians who support Zionism are endorsing the idea of an alleged “right” to slaughter and oppress their own Christian brothers and sisters.

32.   Apparently, there are some individuals who believe they have the right to place their spiritual brothers and sisters at risk due to an assumed right to poke or prod Divinity to speed up the end-of-days dynamics in order to realize their own self-serving and delusional understanding of Armageddon at the expense of others. Such a perspective seems inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus/Isa (peace be upon him).

33.   One can only shake one's head in perplexity and dismay concerning those Zionists who claim a right to be outraged and anguished with respect to the holocaust and, yet, in such hypocritical fashion, those individuals also have become inexplicably entangled in perpetrating terrorist acts against the Semitic people of Gaza and the West Bank ... acts that cannot be distinguished from the moral atrocities which occurred during the Second World War.

34.   The United States has used its veto-powers at the United Nations to protect Zionism for 76 years. One of the many flaws of the United Nations is that this latter organization has enabled the United States to use that veto power to facilitate the destruction of all Palestinian rights by offering all manner of political, financial, economic, legal, scientific, and military support to Zionism which has been used for nefarious purposes and, in the process -- as collateral damage from such irresponsible actions -- the lives of those who are sincere explorers of the Jewish spiritual tradition have been adversely affected because Zionists have tried to obfuscate the difference between Zionism and Judaism.

35.   There is a substantial distinction to be drawn between Zionism and Judaism. The former (that is, Zionism) seeks to induce people to destroy spirituality for the sake of personal, worldly gain, whereas the latter (that is, Judaism) seeks to induce people to enhance spirituality independently of, and, if necessary, at the expense of worldly gain.

36.   The meme: “From the River to the Sea, Palestinians will be free” says nothing about annihilating Zionists. Rather, the meme alludes to the right of all people – including Palestinians -- to be free from tyranny, whether Zionist-caused or caused in some other manner.

37.   Unfortunately, those who object to the foregoing meme have become consumed with a classic case of projection in which such individuals fear that others will do to Zionists what Zionists have done, and are doing, to other human beings. Fortunately, there are many people – including Palestinians – who do not suffer from the same defects of thinking, feeling, and acting which characterize those who seek to project their own faults onto others and, as a result, notwithstanding the fictional narrative which has been created by Zionists, Palestinians are pursuing nothing more than for their basic human rights to be acknowledged and realized – aspirations which Zionists have no right to deny or disparage. 


The foregoing perspective is not my idiosyncratic view concerning the situation in Palestine. It is shared by many individuals who have had their hearts sincerely opened up (i.e., the quality of Ikhlas) to the spiritual influence of Jesus/Isa (peace be upon him), and such people are referred to as Isawi or followers of Jesus/Isa (peace be upon him) by the Sufis (i.e., those who pursue the mystical dimension of Islam). In addition, the foregoing thirty-seven points also resonate with the position of those who have had their hearts sincerely opened up to the spiritual influence of Moses/Musa (peace be upon him) and who are referred to, by the Sufis, as Musawi, or followers of Moses/Musa (peace be upon him). For example, in the latter case, many things were said in an interview given by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss which are consonant with what has been voiced during the previous five pages. The url for that interview is: .

Interestingly enough, the foregoing 37 points were written independently of the Rabbi’s interview since I only came to find out about his talk after the foregoing link had been forwarded to me by a fellow Sufi who, after reading the 37 points, responded by suggesting that I listen to the aforementioned interview and for which he had provided me with a link through which to engage the Rabbi’s commentary.

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