Friday, March 29, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #15 - Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #15

March 29, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #15 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast contains: Floetry selection in memory of the teachings of Hazrat Hujwiri; a short story - 'A Depressed King'; a musical interlude - 'Lasting Impression'; an announcement for free Bridge software, and a meditative essay - 'Curriculum'.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #14 - Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #14

March 22, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #14 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast contains: A Floetry selection entitled - 'In Memory of the Teachings of Hazrat Ata'illah (may God be pleased with him)'; a short story - 'An Event'; a musical interlude - 'Memoirs'; an announcemennt about the free Bridge software program,  and a meditative essay - 'Mureed'.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #13 - Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #13

March 15, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #13 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast contains the following items: A selection of Floetry entitled -" Life, A Work In Progress"; a short story - "The Three Amigos"; a musical interlude - "Golden Rays"; an announcement concerning free Bridge software, and a meditative essay - "Blessings".

Friday, March 08, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #12 - Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #12

March 08, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #12 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast contains: A floetry selection in commemoration of the teachings of Hazrat Abu Sa'id; a short story - "Dependence"; a musical interlude - "Nice Work"; an announcement concerning the gifting of books to libraries, and a meditative essay - "Aspirations".

Friday, March 01, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #11 Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #11

March 01, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #11 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast includes: A floetry selection entitled "And That Is Enough For Us"; a short story  - "The Ceremony"; a musical interlude - "Peace"; an announcement about a Patreon project involving the gifting of books to libraries, and a meditative essay - "Friend"