Friday, November 29, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #50 - Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #50

November 29, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #50 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast contains: A poem by Rumi; a short story - 'Blindman's Buff'; a musical interlude - 'Spring Air', and a meditative essay - ' Fatiha'.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #49 - Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #49

November 22, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #49 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast contains: An excerpt from the Mathnawi of Rumi; a short story - "Focus"; a musical interlude - "Caring", and a meditative essay - "Adab".

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #48 - Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #48

November 15, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #48 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast contains: An excerpt from Rumi's Mathnawi; a short story - 'What Would You Do?';  a musical interlude - 'Nice Work', and a meditative essay - 'Ego'.

Friday, November 08, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #47 - Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #47

November 08, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #47 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast contains the following: An excerpt from Book 5 of Rumi's Mathnawi; a story story - "Humble Beginnings"; a musical interlude - "Drizzle", and a Meditative Essay - "Yaqueen".

Friday, November 01, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #46 - Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations: A Podcast by Anab Whitehouse

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #46

November 01, 2019

Anab Whitehouse

Episode #46 of the Sufi Reverberations Podcast contains: A selection from the Mathnawi of Rumi; a short story - 'No Tme'; a musical interlude - "Starlight", and a meditative essay  - "Prayer".