Thursday, November 03, 2005


Heedlessness is a quality of our spiritual darkness. To be heedless, is to be a servant of the ego.

Heedlessness is to prefer our own ideas to Divine meanings. Heedlessness is to favor our own opinions over the teachings of the Prophets, saints and spiritual guides.

To be heedless, is a clear sign of our deep addiction to our false self. To be heedless, is to be preoccupied with the whims and fantasies of the ego.

Heedlessness entails denying the rights which God has over us. Heedlessness involves denying the rights which our families and neighbors and all of creation have over us.

To be heedless, we must reject the call of our spirit. To be heedless, we must abandon our hearts to the decay and corruption of our egos.

Heedlessness gives expression to criticism of God's creation. Heedlessness exists in our finding fault with God's way of handling and managing our affairs.

To fail to realize the purpose of our existence, is to be heedless. To continue to allow the activities of our passion and anger to transfix us, is to be heedless.

Heedlessness blinds us to the signs of God. To be heedless, is to be mute in our praise of God.

To be heedless, is to not realize God is closer to us than life itself. Heedlessness means we do not understand our essence is rooted in Divinity.

To ignore the countless forms of kindness God extends to us every day, is to be heedless. To fail to cherish the spiritual opportunity which this life offers, is to be heedless.

To fail to assume our responsibilities with respect to the care and protection of nature, is to be heedless. To allow the soil of soul to remain fallow, is to be heedless.

Heedlessness is to treat love as if it were a four letter word. Heedlessness is to be attracted to hostility, hatred and malice.

Heedlessness is to have lost access to our capacity to distinguish between the real and the illusory. To be heedless, is to savor the taste of worldly things.

To be heedless, is to be willing participants in the spread of the diseases of the ego. Heedlessness is to be inactive in helping the poor, the hungry and the homeless.

To believe we are independent of God, is to be heedless. To prefer gratification to sacrifice, is to be heedless.

Heedlessness consists in placing trust in ourselves rather than God. To be heedless, is to prostitute our spiritual potential.

To separate ourselves from Divine guidance, is to be heedless. To go through life intoxicated with our own likes and dislikes, is to be heedless.

Heedlessness is to show inadequate respect for sacred ground. Heedlessness is to confuse our false self for our real self.

To be heedless, is to take license with God's forgiveness. To be heedless, is to seek worldly knowledge rather than gnosis.

Heedlessness is to believe we will not be held accountable for what we omit and commit in this life. Heedlessness is to waste our lives worshiping the idols of the ego.

To not understand the depth of our vulnerability to the forces within and without us, is to be heedless. To believe we are awake when we are fast asleep, is to be heedless.

To ridicule, and show contempt for, the servants of God is to be heedless. To take the world as a friend, is to be heedless.

Heedlessness is to prefer rebellion over obedience in relation to God. Heedlessness is to betray one's essential identity.

To be caught up with the diversions of avocations rather than the work of our spiritual vocation, is to be heedless. To treat time as if it were a renewable resource, is to be heedless.

To consider truth to be relative to one's point of view is to be heedless. To believe there are no absolutes, is to be heedless.

Heedlessness is to object to the imposition of constraints on the activities of the ego. Heedlessness is to suppose we are the source of our rights and not God.

To be heedless, is to rest our hope on other than God. To be heedless, is to suppose that our successes are the direct result of our efforts.

To be indifferent to the misery and pain we cause others, is to be heedless. To believe God is not intimately aware of all that we do, is to be heedless.

To suppose the answers to the problems of life can be found in science, medicine, economics, psychology, politics, mathematics, theology, and/or philosophy, is to be heedless. To set about changing the world, before we transform ourselves, is to be heedless.

To mouth spiritual platitudes, without sincere commitment to implementing spiritual principles in our lives, is to be heedless. To be preoccupied with finding fault with others rather than ourselves, is to be heedless.

To believe a life of spirituality can be gained without struggle, is to be heedless. To assume one's struggles are sufficient for spiritual success, is to be heedless.

To be heedless, is not to be immersed in the remembrance of God. To be heedless, is to consider our death to be far away.

To be heedless, is to assume anything can occur without permission of God. To be heedless, is to blame God for what we permit to come into our lives.

Heedlessness is to believe we can realize Divinity in our lives while holding on to our false selves. Heedlessness is to be inattentive to the fact all things pass away.

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