Friday, July 26, 2019

Sufi Reverberations Podcast - Episode #32 - Anab Whitehouse


Elias said...

Hello. The Greek word for "remembrance, reminiscence, recollection" is Anamnesis (a term made famous by Plato: "knowledge is anamnesis"), but not "Amanesis"

Best wishes to you and your family,
Elias Benis

Unknown said...

I appreciate your input, and I acknowledge the truth of what you have said. I knew what the proper term was many years ago when I first started this blog and made a conscious decision at that time to coin my own word which both played off the original Greek word, as well as was somewhat easier to pronounce -- at least for the limited sensibilities of English-speaking individuals such as myself. The beauty of a living language is that one can derive a word etymologically from a given historical source and, then, modulate things as one likes. The fact that my word induced you to remember the original word indicates that there was a certain amount of method in the madness with which I took some liberties with the Greek language as I transitioned an idea into a English form.

Elias said...

Fair enough. Madness is always welcome.