Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Devil's Dictionary

 Reflections on the Devil’s Dictionary, from A to Z

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The Devil's Dictionary, From A to Z


The following material consists of definitions and relatively brief responses concerning some of the key terms concerning the technologies, mechanisms, systems, dynamics, processes, and networks that can, will, and/or have been used to: Control, manipulate, surveil, track, trace, alter, exploit, oppress, subjugate, sicken, digitalize, and destroy human beings.


5G” – This technology was touted as a way to increase the speed of downloads and streaming, as well as to reduce latency intervals [the time it takes for a packet of data (say a request or gaming move) to make the round trip from one’s computer to the aspect of the Internet from which one wants some sort of response and, then, back to one’s computer.] In addition, one of the alleged advantages was the way in which 5G supposedly would enable a greater connectivity among all electronic devices, computers, and the Internet relative to 4G networks.

Aside from asking whether, or not, having greater connectivity is necessarily a good thing (e.g., what adverse impacts might 5G have on problems surrounding the way in which digital identification is a tool of oppression, control, and security for those who have power), one might also inquire into whether, or not, the ways in which 5G is going to connect people (medically, politically, economically, socially, epistemologically, and educationally) is necessarily desirable, as well as, whether, or not, the problematic kinds of biological effects that can be documented to be caused by 5G radiation (not only in relation to human beings but with respect to the environment as a whole) are worth the technological advances which 5G makes possible.


 Actuator” – This is a machine-like component which is capable of transducing energy into torque, movement, or force and can either be controlled from without, or is part of a system of artificial intelligence which uses its own algorithmic programming to direct the nature of the torque, movement or force that is generated. Increasingly, self-assembling, nanoscale soft-actuators (used in organisms) are being found in the bodies of human beings who did not ask for, or consent to, the presence of the foregoing sorts of nanobot-components being placed in their bodies.


Adjuvant” – A poison; the etymology of this word comes from two Latin words (‘ad’ and ‘juvare’) which, when combined together, mean: “Help towards.” Adjuvants help a vaccine towards undermining the terrain of an organism by exploiting TLRs (that is, toll-like cell-receptors which constitute a major family of proteins believed to be responsible for recognizing the presence of organic regularities). When exploited by adjuvants, TLRs are able to play a role in the recognition of PAMPs (pathogen-associated molecular patterns), especially when the pathogen to be recognized is the human body. Researchers have discovered that each kind of tissue has its own set of TLRs, and, therefore, this allows adjuvants to target every kind of tissue as a potential pathogen.


AI” -- a system of logic-like coding based on assumptions, biases, and arbitrary ideas concerning the nature of any given topic that enables computations to be made mindlessly at light-like speeds, and, in the process, generate obfuscating data as to whether one is dealing with properties of ‘garbage in’ and/or ‘garbage out.’ A technology that is designed to extinguish a person’s right to informed consent and sovereignty.


Architecture” – Architecture places limits on what is, or can be, done with structure. Computer architecture indicates what one can, and can’t, do with the properties of the structure that give expression to features inherent in a given form of hardware design. Analogue structure gives expression to one set of structural limitations and possibilities, while digital structures give expression to a different set of structural limitations and possibilities. 

Medicine operates according to one set of architectural limits and possibilities. The human body operates according to its own set of architectural limits and possibilities.

Whether the two forms of architectural design are homologous and dynamically compatible with one another is not a straight-forward issue. A lot depends on the hermeneutical orientation of the person (or persons) who is (or are) doing the comparative evaluation.


Augmentation” – Refers to a condition in which human beings are transitioned into something less than they might otherwise be. This process operates out of an arbitrary and flawed system of assessment which confuses superficial changes with essential potential.


Autonomous Weapons Systems” – The Department of Defense directive 3000.09 turns over decisions involving the use of injurious and lethal force to processes that have been designed by people with questionable character and whose understanding concerning notions of “peace,” “truth,” “reason,” “justice,” and “sovereignty” are filled with epistemological and moral lacunae that have been passed on to the autonomous weapon systems.


Bail-In” – The new form of bail-out in which banks no longer look to the government to be made whole again due to the financial mismanagement or the many improprieties that are inherent in the banking system but, instead, those institutions have been empowered by the government to abscond with the deposits of its unsecured creditors – i.e., general customers -- should the need arise to do so.


Beam Steering” – a technique for re-directing radio frequencies, as well as optical and acoustic forces, toward unsuspecting targets by changing relative phases in the frequencies and forces that are chosen to better reflect the fluctuating interests, motives, attitudes, desires, values, politics, and fears of the operators.


Biodigital Convergence” – a dynamic through which greed, the desire for control, and psychopathy come together in a harmonious fashion by imposing (forcefully if necessary) artificial, synthetic non-living digital technologies onto natural, organic living systems of life for purposes of creating hybrid entities that are imprinted with an imperative to eliminate or subjugate all non-hybrid entities. 


Bioelectromagnetism” – There are two kinds of electromagnetism that are capable of affecting biological systems: natural and synthetic. Natural electromagnetism is produced by dynamics which occur within cells, tissues and organisms. This is known as bioelectromagnetism. Synthetic electromagnetism is artificially produced outside of organisms and has the capacity to interfere with, alter, suppress, and undermine natural biological processes by interacting with them.

Some people refer to this latter phenomenon in which synthetically produced electromagnetism interacts with natural forms of bioelectromagnetism to be a form of bioelectromagnetism. However, the latter form of electromagnetism is being imposed (and is often injurious to organisms), whereas the former modality of electromagnetism is indigenous to organisms and part of normal, healthy, biological functioning.


Biofield” – This is a vibrant, powerful, multi-dimensional human resource which is crucial to life and is the possession of the individual who gives expression to that biofield. Those who have corruptible, vested interests have made unilateral declarations which claim that biofields constitute a legitimate target for economic, political, medical, social, legal, and scientific exploitation irrespective of the wishes of the individual to whom the biofield belongs. The biofield is a resource that is mined by forces of biological colonialism and biological imperialism that seek to justify their invasion, exploitation, suppression, and extinction of the biofield as being a revolutionary way of overthrowing principles that stand in the way of someone’s morally-challenged notion of economic, political, medical, and technological progress.


Bioinformatics” – the misuse of: Chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, statistics, and computer science in conjunction with agenda-driven forms of evaluating large, complex data sets which can be parsed in ways that serve governmental, institutional, corporate, media, and/or military agendas which are designed to  undermine human sovereignty. Bioinformatics is a set of techniques that can be used to arrange information in ways that will be pleasing to the people paying for, or having control over, such computational processes.  Bioinformatics is set of techniques that is quantity-rich and quality-poor.


Biosensors” – This term refers to the ubiquitous set of nanoparticles, atoms, molecules, particulates, chemicals, synthetic materials, and self-assembling complexes that have been intentionally sprayed, dumped, poured, injected, and placed in the air, water, foods, clothes, vaccines, and pharmaceuticals to which human beings are exposed. These materials are capable of receiving and sending all manner of data that is capable not only of compromising human privacy right down to the levels of nucleic acids and thoughts, but, as well, the foregoing processes are taking place without the informed consent of the individuals on which such entities are being imposed. Any biosensor that is on, or within, a human being, irrespective of its location, is a “wearable.”


Blockchain” – A money-laundering system;  a method for inducing human beings to become enrolled in: (1) A distributed, ledger system that: Cannot justify the systems of valuation which use such a ledger system;  (2) a digital system which enables banks, governments, corporations, and individuals to be able to keep both laudatory and questionable aspects of their activities hidden; (3) a system that is incapable of existing independently of sources of energy that are needed to maintain it (if the grid goes down, then so does the ledger system); (4) a system which has the potential for enabling the harvesting of human energy as a way of anonymously mining crypto-value even if humans do not wish to be harvested in this fashion; and, (5) system that is as artificial a framework as fiat currency is with respect to the process of establishing a basis for the generation of “sound money” that cannot be manipulated (that is, bid up and down in value).


Body Area Network” – A context that wirelessly embeds nucleic acids and other bio-molecules into an electronic framework in which all dimensions of that dynamic operate in accordance with the principle of “see something, say something” and, then, use prefabricated or self-assembling forms of telemetry to transmit that surveillance to external data bases of dubious provenance. Body Area Network is a process for organizing human beings -- both individually and collectively -- into sets of nodes that are linked together according to the medical, political, economic, and social philosophies of the people who have appointed themselves as regulatory overlords with respect to such networks.


Brain to Brain Interface (B2BI)” – A form of computer technology which enables neurological phenomena to be translated into frequencies that can be read from, or written into, brains with, or without, the permission of the brains being linked through such an interface and which actually doesn’t need a second brain to be able to capture or alter the frequencies that are associated with a given person’s phenomenology.


Capacitive coupling” – This involves the use of displacement currents within a network to induce a transfer of energy, information, signals, meanings, attitudes, or ideas from one node to another irrespective of the consent or wishes of the node. A process that enhances, filters, and/or blocks the flow of energy/information through a network according to the intentions of the regulators of that network. Nodes are at the mercy of the dynamics of capacitive coupling that are imposed on a given network.


Central Banks” – This is a system for leveraging nothing into indebtedness; a way to separate money from depositors.


Communication -- OSI Model” – Depending on one’s point of view, OSI stands for Open Systems Intercommunication Model or Overlord’s Standards Initiative. It controls (via standards protocols) the way in which systems are connected and is characterized by seven layers – Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application – any one of which can be compromised in any number of ways for the sake of the system (or its overlords) and at the expense of users.


Consensual Validation” – This is a process in which people seek the opinions of others (a consensus) in order to arrive at an understanding (validation) concerning some aspect of experience. However, when the information, opinions, ideas, thoughts, and data which other people have to offer is problematic, misguided, insincere, self-serving, and so on, then, one must be careful not to cede one’s agency to forms of framing the perceptual process which are rooted in compromised forms of consensual validation. Consensual validation is only of value when the information one receives is reliable and credible.


Corona” – A CIA and military program for gathering information via satellites that was said to be directed toward the Soviet Union and China but actually was capable of surveilling whatever targets were programmed into it and, over time, was transformed into a set of classified, stealth operations known as Keyhole which the military and the CIA used to gain access to whatever information the technology permitted. Corona was a dual-use technology that was publically described as having one purpose but which had other uses that were not disclosed to the public. National and corporate interests might be well-served by secrets and classified programs but the sovereignty of the people from whom such secrets are being kept is rarely well-served by those kinds of dynamics.


Corona Phase Molecular Recognition (CoPhMoRe)” – This is a dual-use targeting system which enables nanoparticle surfaces to recognize specific analytes or chemicals for purposes of measuring, analyzing, or acting upon them. The devil is in the details.


Corona Routing” – This is a technology which: (1) can be introduced into biological systems; (2) operates on the nanoscale; (3) is used to shape the manner in which paths can be generated among the nodes of a nanoscale network by using pre-selected anchor points as a frame of reference for defining, or programming, the ways in which those nodes are able to transmit packets of information; (4) has a very low packet loss rate, and (5) can operate independently of the consent of the organism where such a routing system is being established.


CubeSat” – Refers to satellites that have a cubic structure (6 square faces of equal size) whose sides measure 10 x 10 centimeters (3.94 x 3.94 inches) and weigh about 1 kilogram or 2.2 pounds. They either are launched as single units or as part of a group (up to 24 units) of such satellites. The exterior of these satellites is made largely of aluminum, and the interior of the satellites houses: (a) a power source of some kind (e.g., battery, solar panels); (b) an antennae for sending and receiving information; (c) a computer which has regulatory oversight of the satellite’s components; (d) components such as sensors, instruments, and cameras which are constructed specifically to serve whatever the mission of the satellite might be.

As of 2024, there are more than 510 of these CubeSats in orbit, and, therefore, when assessing the possible value of such entities, one might reflect on the following considerations that are true for other satellites as well: (1) Notwithstanding “official” agreements which have been finagled in one way or another through meetings that are largely inaccessible to the vast majority of people on Earth, satellites and satellite-related technology occupy, travel through, and use space which does not belong to the people, corporations, or governments that launch those objects; (2) to varying degrees, those satellites radiate people on Earth who did not ask to be radiated (especially those who have electro-sensitivities); (3) such satellites are filling the skies with increasing amounts of materials which, sooner or later, become dysfunctional junk that pollutes space and creates hazards for life on Earth, and although CubeSats are said to burn up upon re-entry, what is burning up does not disappear but merely transitions into a source  of man-made nanotoxins which rain down on the Earth ; (4) those satellites are gathering data concerning human beings and the Earth that the vast majority of people on Earth did not give the operators of those satellites permission to do; (5) those satellites have missions and purposes that are not necessarily in the interests of assisting people in general to enhance their own sovereignty; (6) such satellite technology is consuming trillions of dollars (due to: Development, building, launching, and operating) that, in the case of governments, might be better spent on feeding, housing, clothing, and educating people, (7) all too many of those satellites are part of the 5th generation netcentric (that is, network centered) warfare that is being waged against the vast majority of the people of the world by small groups of people who operate out of Napoleonic-like complexes (that is, people who like to dominate, defeat, and control others) or operate through various modalities of willful blindness (a form of observation in which people are aware that a problem exists but choose to turn a blind eye to that which is present in their awareness and, as a result, has become somewhat obfuscated due to choices such people have made which has ceded their epistemological, spiritual, and moral agency to forces of oppression).


Cyber Physical Systems” – This is an interactive set of computational and physical elements that generates a complex system of information which can be used to forcibly or deceptively mold the lives of people as a function of the properties of the system rather than as a function of the potential for sovereignty which is present in the people who are being shaped by the aforementioned cyber physical systems. Cyber physical systems are technocratic operations which enable institutions, corporations, governments, organizations, and the military to harness the power of the internet and other forms of communication to facilitate the bullying, control, and oppression of individuals.


Cyber Security” – A four-layered system which goes from: Intra-BAN (Body Area Network) involving biosensors and nanotechnology, to: Inter-BAN communication (via telemetry) with machines, recording devices, cell phones, pads, and the Internet, to: Beyond-BAN forms of communication involving encryption and decryption, to: Network Fabric mesh networks that are automated and ensure that the end-users or communication destination are the only ones who can do whatever they like with the data received and also to ensure that the Intra-BAN aspect of the system can be targeted as necessary. Cyber Security is about making sure that human beings cannot escape from the system of security (the system’s security, not that of the general public) into which they have been lured or forced.


 D.A.R.P.A.” – Among other forms of deviltry, ‘The Devil’s Advanced Research Projects Agency’ has been busily involved (obviously idle hands are not the only portal through which deviltry enters the world) with the generating of increasingly sophisticated, faster, as well as more complex or enhanced, forms of brain-computer interfaces (a term first introduced in 1971 by Jaceques Vidal) that are capable of being used as instruments of egalitarian – i.e. dual-use -- weaponry which, therefore, can be directed against all parties, both foreign and domestic. D.A.R.P.A. is a publically funded program that, like other government institutions, is dedicated to enslaving the people who are funding it.

Currently, D.A.R.P.A. is deeply involved in experimenting with Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (known as N3). This is a euphemistic way of referring to the process of technologically augmenting human beings through acoustic, electromagnetic, and optical forces which, then, can be utilized to assist the process of taking control of governance, resources, and non-augmented human beings.


 Derivatives” – These are weapons of mass destruction; Derivatives are a framework for parsing everything into packages of tranches and truncheons of financial worth that are devoid of moral value.


Digital Twin” – A digitized model that is built from acquiring data involving certain physical, emotional, and cognitive feature values associated with a human being, and, then, acting on those values – in best voodoo fashion – the operators of the Digital Twin alters, injures, exploits, shapes, sickens, controls, or kills the existential original from which the Digital Twin data was derived. Digital Twins are derivatives in the sense that they give expression to ways of generating data sets which, for purposes of financial gain or political control, involve organizing and manipulating information concerning an underlying set of values or assets … i.e., human beings.


DNA Steganography” – This is a branding technology (e.g., using variable regions of a genome such as single nucleotide morphisms) which is capable of inserting messages, barcodes, and watermarks (intellectual property rights) into the DNA of an organism in such a manner that the presence of the information cannot be detected unless appropriately decrypted and, thereby, indicate – or, so the corporate or institutional legal argument goes -- that the organism is the property of the brander.


Drones (Nano) – Although Nano Hummingbirds and Snipe Nanos -- which combine: Experimental wing architecture, software programming advances, and battery design breakthroughs to create Unmanned Aerial Systems -- were developed nearly a decade ago by D.A.R.P.A. and the military for purposes of reconnaissance, surveillance, and situational awareness,  the new generation of drones are in the form of self-assembling nanobots that fly about, and within, the enemy like swarms of molecular structures that are undetected until it is too late, and the target lists for such drones have been expanded to include the general public.


Dual-Use Technologies” – This is a strategy of misdirection which uses surface narratives that are seemingly constructive in nature in order to obfuscate the existence of programs that are to be used against those from whom such programs are being hidden.


Electromagnetic Communication” – One of the ways in which cells, tissues, and organisms communicate with each other via the biofield is through electromagnetic communication, and all forms of synthetic electromagnetic signals tend to interfere with such forms of biological communication in one way or another. One of the gravest and most imminent threats to life on Earth is not a function of the contrived threats concerning the non-existent crises of global warming but a function of the uncontrolled and improperly regulated introduction of all manner of synthetic forms of electromagnetism that are being pushed onto the world ecologies – especially so-called “smart” forms of such electromagnetism that are being introduced without the consent of those on whom they are impinging – by people who are suffering from a form of willful blindness that ignores the damage which they are inflicting on the world due to an apparently insatiable desire for money, control, and a lurid pleasure which is derived through inducing pain and injury in others.


Emergent Technology” – The term that is used to camouflage the fact that what is said to be forthcoming at some point in the future is, actually, already present, operational, and adversely affecting our lives.


Energy Harvesting” – Vampire Project – This is a technology that enables a network, system, corporation, institution, medical practitioner, or government agency to harvest energy from a human being’s biofield in order to electrically subsidize or power that: Network’s, system’s, corporation’s, institution’s, medical practitioner’s or government agency’s hacking of other facets of a person’s biological terrain. The notion of energy harvesting also refers to the capacity to use energy from human beings as a means of mining crypto-currency -- with, or without, the consent of the individual whose energy is being harvested.


Epigenetics” – Refers to the dynamics that determine what, when, how, where, for how long, and in what sequence genes are expressed. Neither transhumanists nor technocrats understand those dynamics except in extremely limited ways and, yet, both groups of epistemologically challenged individuals want to suppress the manner in which nature has gone about the process of gene expression for thousands of years and which has helped human beings to survive amidst substantial changes in the environment. Instead, such groups insist on substituting their own agenda for the expression of genes, and many – if not most -- of those modalities of substitution are either injurious or lethal to human beings in any number of ways.


Exceptionalism” – This refers to the tendency of people to use their reflections in a ‘house of mirrors’ as reference points for what should be meant by the meaning of the word “exceptionalism.”


Fact Checkers” – These are people who are enamored with their own set of biases, prejudices, agendas, presuppositions, and blind spots. Fact checkers are individuals who use the political, religious, and philosophical lenses which frame their way of engaging questions of facticity in a manner that tips the hermeneutical scales in their own favor when applied to such questions.


FCC” – (Federal Communication Commission) – The agency which claims to be protecting human beings against injurious forms of radiation but doesn’t seem to understand the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation or the nature of the damaging effects that both kinds of radiation have on the human body because of the FCC’s failure to sincerely communicate and engage in a dialogue with people that actually have done the research on such issues (e.g., Arthur Firstenberg, Samuel Milham, Josh Del Sol, Beverly Rubik, Mark Steel, Olle Johansson, Daniel Debaun, and Martin Pall). The federal regulatory agency known as FCC has been captured by the corporate advocates of wireless transmission, and, in the process, has given those institutions, organizations, agencies, and corporations, a clean bill of health with respect to the dynamics of wireless transmission despite, apparently, not understanding (or caring about) the dual-use nature of that phenomenon.


FDIC” (Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation) – This is the government agency which promises to cover all losses due to insolvency of the banking system but which has an extremely limited capacity to do so and, therefore, such promises mislead the public about the extent of the help that it can provide in times of emergency. The FDIC’s promise relative to the foregoing problem is like bringing a squirt gun to the site of a thermonuclear explosion and expecting full resolution concerning the latter problem.


Federal Reserve” – This is a private banking consortium that: (a) Used underhanded and duplicitous tactics to gain control of the financial system in 1913;  (b) bows to the likes and dislikes of the International Bank of Settlements, an organization which is beyond the reach of law or fairness … qualities which often also often characterize member banking systems, including the Federal Reserve; (c) funds all sides of wars to make money and create the sort of indebtedness through which it controls governments and citizens; (d) operates on a basis in which money it does not have is lent out at interest it does not deserve; (e) continually resists being properly audited; (f) has proven to be completely ineffectual in preventing the very kind of financial problems it was allegedly created to solve; and, (g) for more than a century, has proceeded to wield its power in ways which are economically, financially, politically, legally, and socially detrimental to the American people, and among these ways of wielding power is its unwillingness to help create the sort of public banking system (e.g., see the work of Ellen  Brown and Muhammad Yunus) which would be beneficial to citizens (both individually and collectively) but fails to do so because satisfying its lust for money and control is far more important to the Federal Reserve system than is the sovereignty of the people that it claims to serve.


Full Spectrum Dominance” – This is the goal of all entities, institutions, organizations, and forms of government that seek to suppress, oppress, or eliminate the existence of sovereignty, irrespective of whether, or not, sovereignty is considered individually or collectively. Since every dimension of existential space is considered to be a potential entry point for the emergence of sovereignty -- or information concerning sovereignty -- then, power brokers believe that unless full spectrum dominance is exercised over all actual or potential portals for that sort of activity and/or information, then, those who seek to exercise full spectrum dominance consider themselves and their system to be at risk. Full spectrum dominance is to engage in continuous forms of tyranny and terrorism because the possibility that some facet of sovereignty might surface can never be dismissed.


Galvanic Coupling” – This is a form of intrabody communication (IBC) that is induced from without by coupling low-frequency voltages with low-power sources to serve, potentially, low-down purposes.


Global Information Grid” (GIG) – A network-centric system established by the Department of Defense to acquire any, and all, information that would help to sustain and/or improve the capacity of the military to wage war against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. How that acquired information is interpreted, understood, or used, and whether, or not, one should trust the quality of such information, and whether, or not, war should be waged, and whether, or not, there are better alternatives to war are not issues which the GIG network is capable of resolving.

Having an informational advantage is not enough. One must also have an advantage in knowledge, understanding, as well as wisdom in relation to such information. Determining what the criteria are for identifying and, then, being able to justify such a process of determination with respect to the latter sorts of advantage tends to generate a very complicated set of issues and an accompanying set of fundamental questions concerning the nature of the relationship between human beings and reality.


Graphene” – This is not a naturally-occurring biological material. However, this substance was experimentally demonstrated to exist in 2004 and evidence for its natural, geological occurrence has been found in rock formations that are 3.2 billion years old.

It consists of a honeycomb (hexagonal) latticework of carbon atoms with diameters that are approximately a third of a nanometer thick. Graphene is conceived of as a 2D material that is considered to possess width and length but has negligible depth.

This material is highly impenetrable. Not even the smallest atom (helium, not hydrogen, has the smallest atomic radius) can permeate through graphene.

Graphene is lighter than aluminum but more rugged than steel. It is more elastic than rubber but harder than diamonds. It has 13 times the electrical conductivity of copper, while the mobility of electrons within graphene is 100 times faster than within silicon.

Magnetism is not an inherent property of graphene. Nonetheless, it has the capacity to borrow, or participate in, the magnetic fields of nearby materials, and, in addition, by manipulating systems of electrons in the appropriate manner, one can created magnetic domains within graphene.

The properties of graphene vary with its composition, and, as well, the properties of nanographene vary with the process of fabrication (which is more complicated than the generation of general graphene). Consequently, there is a graphene-family of nanomaterials, and, as well, there are biological toxicities of different kinds which have been associated with members of that family.

As such, graphene is a dual-use material. It has a set of remarkable properties which often are emphasized while the toxicities of that material are often downplayed if mentioned at all.

Nanographene has been found (e.g., David Nixon, La Quinta Columna, Ana Mihalcea) in a variety of COVID-19 mRNA treatment vials. While the presence of such a toxic potential in alleged public health treatments might be music to the ears of some, nonetheless, the presence of graphene-related toxicity conflicts with the principle of: “First, do no harm” which used to govern medical activities but now is often no longer required as a condition for such practice. 


 Hack” – Verb -- The process of seeking to gain unelicited access to a network, system, computer, electronic device, or person in order to compromise, alter, manipulate, or pilfer some aspect of the operational integrity of that network, system, computer, electronic device, or person. Examples:  Government; education; medicine; corporate activity; intelligence operations; the media, and military force. Noun – The entity which makes hacking possible and is often characterized by a moral incompetence that is lost sight of amidst the dazzling lights which frequently are given off by the presence of some degree of technical skill.


Hop-by-hop transport” – This is a principle which is directed toward controlling the flow of data through a network from source to destination -- quick like a bunny and with equal fecundity -- despite the possibility that the intervening nodes of the path of transmission might not all be connected at the time of transmission, and, therefore, provides degrees of freedom for getting one’s unwanted message across.


Human Body Communication” (HBC) – This is a form of electrical signal transfer that uses the human body as the medium of transmission and is known as ‘electro-quasistatic human body communication’. As such, the body is reduced to being a node within a network involving the transfer of electrical signals and data, and this would seem to indicate that a human being has become a means to someone else’s end-use of those signals and data.


Hydrogels” – These are biphasic, cross-linked polymer chains (via either covalent bonding in the case of ‘chemical hydrogels’ or non-covalent bonds in the case of ‘physical hydrogels’) that are capable of absorbing large volumes of liquids (usually water or interstitial biological fluids). These polymer chains can be either synthetic or natural.

They are referred to as “smart” materials because of their ability to alter their structure and properties as a function of changes to the surrounding environment involving such qualities as: Water and salt concentrations, temperature, and pH values. However, this sort of responsiveness doesn’t necessarily make those materials smart but, perhaps, merely reflects the potential flexibility or degrees of freedom that are present in those materials and also indicates that they are vulnerable to such environmental changes … changes that can be induced from without by altering the character of the environment surrounding those hydrogels. As with many things, the devil might be hidden in the details involving: The kinds of polymers that are used in a given hydrogel (synthetic or natural); or, the nature of the bonds which are present; or, the properties of the solid materials and nanoparticles that are present in such hydrogels; or, the kinds of fluids which are present, as well as the sorts of changes that might occur in a hydrogel if different properties of the surrounding environment were induced to change at the whim of some researcher, experimenter, or medical practitioner.


IEEE” – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers whose motto is “Advancing Technology for Humanity” but which never objectively (preaching to the choir is never a sign of objectivity), continuously, and rigorously addresses the many issues that surround and permeate the question of whether the research, programs, and standards which are being established through its activities actually are for humanity and, therefore, can be fully justified as policies that enhance human sovereignty rather than undermine it. Without sovereignty, there is no way in which advancing technology will be of benefit to humanity.


 Income Tax” – This is a process that transfers money – both directly and indirectly -- to the military-industrial complex; a system which transduces private assets into public liabilities.


Informatics” – This is a discipline which explores how computational methods induce transformations in information without necessarily adequately addressing whether, or not, the transformations being induced are actually in the best interests of people or whether the information being transformed is all that worthwhile to anyone except the people engaged in its transformation.


Internet of Things” – An arbitrary network of enhanced connectivity (created by electronics, computers, and forms of communication) which entails, but is not restricted to the Internet, and reduces human beings to nodes on a network whose sole function is to process the packets of bits and bytes of data being transmitted through the network according to the protocols which have been established by those who govern that network.


International Electrotechnical Commission” – This is a Swiss-based organization -- and, therefore, neighbor to the International Bank of Settlements -- which (unasked by the world) was founded in the United Kingdom (1906) in order to establish international standards for various technologies involving electronics and electricity. Somehow, the organization appears to have missed generating standards that are based on an objective, nuanced and rigorous understanding of how electricity and electronics have been adversely affecting people (biologically and psychologically, if not spiritually) around the world since 1906 and before.

The IEC has co-operated, and works closely, with such organizations as the IEEE and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to, among other things, ignore, downplay, and/or discredit independently conducted research which provides evidence that implicates, if not demonstrates, the potentially -- and not-so-potentially – injurious impact which electricity, electronics, bioengineering, and geoengineering (which is heavily dependent on electromagnetic sensors, antennae, routers, actuators, and computational processors) can have on the lives of not only human beings but the entire set of interlocking world ecologies in which human beings are embedded.


Internet of Bio-Nano Things” – This manner of framing experience emerged out of an attempt to allegedly address how the Internet of NanoThings (IoNT) -- which involves the ways in which nanoscale particles, devices, and bots both engage, and are engaged by, the world – might have potentially problematic safety and health ramifications for life on Earth. The supposed motivating orientation underlying the idea of the Internet of Bio-Nano Things is to try to find ways in which the interface among the electrical properties of the Internet, the nanoscale properties entailed by the Internet of NanoThings, and the nature of living organisms can be reconciled in safe and efficient ways.

However, the key to such a process of reconciliation requires that one is working with an understanding of life which is capable of being demonstrated to be accurately reflective of the biology of living organisms rather than reflective of a theoretical model concerning the arbitrary and artificial lenses through which this or that person observes life. A conceptual framework of biology which is based on the notion of monomorphism will operate quite differently than will a framework based on pleiomorphism, and a conceptual framework of biology which seeks to discover how microzymas, endobionts, bions, and/or somatids affect biological functioning or how such entities are affected by nanoscale devices and electromagnetic waves will be quite different than a conceptual framework of biology that ignores the existence of such empirically established entities (e.g., see the work of Béchamp, Enderlein, Reich, and Naessens).

Moreover, a conceptual framework of biology which maintains that viruses exist and constitute pathogens which attack human beings will generate an approach to diagnosis and treatment which is very different from a conceptual framework of biology which contends – on the basis of considerable evidence – that viruses do not exist and, therefore, are not illness-causing pathogens, and, consequently, there is no need for viral forms of treatment. Furthermore, an Internet of Bio-Nano Things which fails to understand how synthetic biology (which tends to operate on the nanoscale) can adversely impact the healthy operation of the Biofield – an indigenous feature of human biology – is, very likely, incapable of reconciling (to whatever extent such matters can be reconciled at all under the best of circumstances) the biological with the domains of either the Internet of Things (IoT) or the Internet of NanoThings (IoNT). It might well be an exercise in irreconcilable differences.


Internet of Medical Things” – This gives expression to four areas of activity involving: (a) Biosensors/Antennae/Routers/Actuators; (b) edge devices and analytics [automated forms of detection, computations and assessments involving data from (a) prior to being sent on for further processing at (c)]; (c) fog computing is a decentralized form of computational architecture in which different nodes on an overriding network provide real-time analysis of data [that already have been pre-processed via (b)] in accordance with the principles of a governing network architecture; (d) cloud analytics which uses cloud technology to store and apply established algorithms to search for different sorts of patterns that exist in the data that has been run through (a), (b), and (c) and which might be of value to processes involving a judicious observation of a medical practitioner’s duties of care to patients.

As impressive as the Internet of Medical Things sounds, the actual value of such an approach depends on the extent to which the Things being collected, processed, stored, and analyzed: (1) are being used in accordance with principles of informed consent; (2) do not entail hazards or toxicities for the individual being medically engaged; (3) is based on an understanding of Medicine which is not restricted to one or two arbitrary schools of thought concerning the nature of biology that unduly influence the forms of diagnosis and treatment being used and, as such, constitute frameworks of medical theology that suffer from, among other things, the pathologies of arrogance, delusion, and regulatory capture.


In the image of God” – This is a phrase that is often used to distort the nature of one’s relationship with reality. It is a turn of phrase that does not make reference to a reflection of Divinity but, instead, refers to the manner in which the potential of certain manifested realities have been creatively organized by God to generate an essential potential that is rarely realized.


Intra-body Networks and Molecular Communication Networks” – Biological organisms or bodies have a natural network of molecular communication which often is being engaged by forms of medical practice that confuse and conflate theory with the biological realities which are being engaged. There is a tendency among all too many medical practitioners to be inclined toward imposing their theoretical ideas and hermeneutical musings about “intra-body networks and molecular communication onto” ‘the actual indigenous system of intra-body networks and molecular communication’, and through such a process of imposition, lead to the misdiagnosis and mistreatment (on several levels) of their patients.


Janus Particles”: This term refers to objects that are on the nanoscale (billionths of a meter) or the microscale (under 1mm) which exhibit special surface properties that enable two different kinds of chemistry to take place in juxtaposition to one another. For example, two proximate areas of the surface of such particles might exhibit different magnetic properties, or one area might exhibit hydrophobic tendencies, while another, nearby area might have hydrophilic properties.

There is similar phenomenon which can occur when medical practitioners and patients share the same meta-surface of healthcare. More specifically, while engaged in the phenomenon of healthcare, the sort of biochemistry in which a medical practitioner is involved might have little to do with the biochemistry which actually exists in a patient. The healthcare system is a Janus particle in as much as it gives expression to a surface of activity in which different kinds of often conflicting kinds of chemistry can be observed to take place while in juxtaposition to one another.


Kill Box” – This is a multi-dimensional space into which targets are maneuvered in order for the overseers of that space to be able to eliminate or control such targets in some fashion. The dimensions of the kill box consist of: 3-D space, time, beliefs, values, resources, perception, and choice,  while the dynamics which are used to induce people to enter the kill box space consist of: Propaganda, indoctrination, education, disinformation, misinformation, narratives, limited hangouts, ill-advised public health policies, iatrogenic activities, misdiagnoses, pharmaceutical toxicities, politics, sanctions, legal processes, myths, threats, fear, desire, hope, force, as well as classical and operant forms of conditioning. 


LIDAR” (Laser Imaging, detection, and ranging) --  A methodology which uses lasers to target objects and, then, measure the amount of time that is required for the signal to return from that target. LIDAR can conduct its measurements in fixed or multiple directions and is used in projects involving: Mapping, seismology, surveying, navigation for autonomous vehicles (such as the helicopter, Ingenuity, on Mars). Subsequent generations of LIDAR are rooted in quantum technology and are capable of providing enhanced measurement sensitivities.

One of the targets that can be painted by LIDAR are human beings, and, now, with advancements in quantum technology, human beings can be targeted with ever-increasing sensitivity – not necessarily for the needs of the individuals being targeted but for the needs of the command and control people who are targeting human beings for inhuman reasons. One can be sure that the AI-equipped models from the world of robotics have LIDAR or LIDAR-like (but more advanced) ways of detecting, locating, identifying, mapping, and, in compliance with DoD Directive 3000.09, engage in running down, herding, or terminating human beings.


MAC” (Medium or Media Access Control) – This refers to a set of protocols that governs whatever technology is being used to control the way in which hardware will interface with wired or wireless mediums of transmission. MAC, together with logical link control (LLC) protocols, give expression to layer 2 (The Data Link) of the OSI model of communication (See: “Communication” -- OSI Model) and are part of the IEEE 802 set of standards which characterize how MAC establishes protocols that control the flow and multiplexing (a method through which analogue and digital signals can be combined in one medium) associated with the process of interfacing with a given form of transmission and LLC protocols govern the control of flow and multiplexing for the logical link side of a given transmission.

MAC addresses (as well as Bluetooth addresses) have been detected in conjunction with the biofields of some human beings. This would seem to indicate that such individuals are being treated as pieces of hardware which, in some way (probably, sans consent), have been provided with MAC protocols (or Bluetooth protocols) so that this biological hardware can be wirelessly interfaced with other aspects of a network, thereby, installing such human beings as nodes on a network.


Mesh Networking” – This is a form of networking architecture which arranges the nodes (whether switches, bridges, or human beings) of a network in non-hierarchical, self-organizing, fluid ways that enhance the degrees of freedom in which data is routed through a network. In addition, among other things, this sort of communication topology provides a certain amount of fault-tolerance for a network since if a certain number of nodes fail or do not perform in a functional manner, nonetheless, there are alternative pathways for connecting nodes which enable communication, signaling, or data transfer to continue without disruption.

Although the terms “non-hierarchical” and “self-organizing” are used to describe how a mesh network operates, nevertheless, such networks are intended to serve certain purposes and, therefore, there are structural and dynamic features within these networks which ensure that the purposes of the network will be served and, as a result, ‘non-hierarchical’ and ‘self-organizing’ dynamics take place within a set of constraints and degrees of freedom that are organized in ways that regulate the network so that it will be able to realize its purposes.

The “Borg” of Star Trek fame would  seem to be a mesh network. Those who have power (whether in: Government, religion, corporations, the military, the media, unions, banking, science, or education) seek to establish mesh networks in conjunction with the people who are part of those networks to ensure that -- notwithstanding the presence of nodes who, for whatever reason, might fail or operate in a dysfunctional manner -- nonetheless, the purposes for which a given network has been established will serve the overseers of that network. Therefore, there are “corrective dynamics” or algorithms (often subtle and hidden) which are present in such systems to ensure that non-hierarchical and self-organizing activities will only occur in ways that will lead to the realization of a given network’s underlying purposes.

Currently, there is no set of common standards of interoperability governing mesh networking. This is what the International Bank of Settlements, WEF, transhumanists, technocrats, the W.H.O., and corporations like Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street are seeking to establish … mesh networks in which all nodes (notwithstanding occasional node failures and node dysfunctions here and there) will help realize the purposes of one-world universal governance across all networks.


Metabolomics” – This refers to the large-scale study of metabolites -- or small molecules -- which play different roles during the process of metabolism within: Cells, interstitial fluids, and tissues. The impetus for this discipline is rooted in the belief that by studying metabolites and their concentrations, one has a much better vantage point for understanding the state of biochemical activity in cells, tissues, organs, and the entire organism. Metabolomics not only examines the nature of the metabolites which are present in any given level of biological activity, but, as well, has a focus that links – in concrete terms – how genetic and environmental factors are interacting with one another.

One should keep in mind however that Metabolomics occurs in a hermeneutical context. The significance of the presence of certain kinds of metabolites and concentrations of those metabolites depends on the nature of the conceptual or theoretical lenses through which such metabolites are being engaged.

Pleiomorphism constitutes a very different context within which to try to figure out the meaning or significance of a given set of metabolites or concentration of metabolites than monomorphism does. In addition, the significance or meaning of metabolites might be different if they are viewed from an approach to biology which has a place for the way in which microzymas, endobionts, bions, and somatids might affect the dynamics of metabolism in different ways rather than being viewed from an approach to biology which has no place for such considerations. Moreover, the study of metabolites and their concentrations takes on a different orientation depending on whether, or not, one holds that epigenetics might be a process that is, at least in part, extra-cellular and extra-genetic in nature, and, as such, depends on modalities of regulatory oversight and energy dynamics which are not necessarily all that well understood at the present time.


Microfluidics and Neuronal Microfluidics” – Microfluidics is a discipline which focuses on the manipulation of fluidic systems that are somewhere between 10-9 to 10-18 liters in size and, as such, has applications for microelectronics (e.g., DNA chips) and the sort of molecular biology that is relevant to bioengineering and synthetic biology. Microfluidics examines the ways in which extremely small-scale fluidic contexts engage in dynamics which:  Transport, process, separate, or mix fluids – either passively (such as capillary forces) or actively (some mechanism is usually involved, such as a micropump).

The behavior of fluids under micro-conditions often differs from the behavior of fluids under macro conditions. These differences often have to do with the way in which such factors as channel size, surface tension, resistance, and energy distribution might affect the character of the dynamics which occur on a micro scale.

Microfluidics plays an important role in synthetic biology. For example, this discipline comes into play when one is engaged in the neuromorphic engineering of artificial neurons so that they will be able to mimic natural or biological neurons.

Microfluidics takes on different orientations and values depending on the context through which it is engaged – especially in the case of neuromorphic engineering. More specifically, does the brain generate mental activity or does it serve as a receiving apparatus for mental activity that takes place elsewhere and independently of neuronal activity (i.e., neurons are capable of reflecting those sorts of cognitive dynamics, but neurons are not the source of those cognitive dynamics).

If the latter case is true, then, while one might be able to engage in processes of neuromorphic engineering, microfluidics would become important to understanding the nature of a receiving apparatus rather than a generating apparatus. Under such circumstances, neuromorphic engineering could be used to simulate certain aspects of mental functioning in relation to the receiving of signals and interpreting those signals but such processes would always be dependent either on algorithms being sent from elsewhere and/or would be restricted by the character of the constraints and degrees of freedom which had been programmed into the kind of neuromorphic engineering that is taking place.

A form of neuromorphic engineering that is only sensitive to certain modalities of human epistemological and hermeneutical dynamics might be able to perform an array of functions. However, to whatever extent there are lacunae in the model which is directing such a form of neuromorphic engineering, then, to that extent, such cognitive or computational activity will not be able to properly model the mental activity of human beings.


Molecular Communication” – This is a technique which uses the presence or absence of specific molecules as a way to digitally encode messages. The presence of a given molecule plays a role comparable to “1” in a binary system, while the absence of that molecule assumes the role of “0” in such a system.

Given that various kinds of non-natural MAC protocols, sensors, antennae, and routers are showing up in human beings, one does not have much difficulty imagining the possibility that networks could be established -- or already have been established -- which are based on algorithms that operate according to a computational language built around the presence or absence of certain molecules. Just as pheromones are molecules which have the capacity to communicate different messages to (and, thereby, actively affect) animals, plants, and so on that are receptive to such messages, so too, human beings could be outfitted with the right sorts of nanoscale devices which are receptive to, and will be affected by, the presence of various forms of molecular communication that have been bioengineered to shape human behavior through the presence of those nanoscale devices.


Network Centric Warfare” – Networks are methods for processing information. Warfare which is waged through a network-centric dynamic makes warfare a function of such information-processing methods.

While part of the informational aspect of such a process depends on the activities, of technological components that, for example, are directed toward detecting, identifying, acquiring, transmitting, and storing data which arises as a result of the way in which the network engages the world, data is not really transformed into information until it is processed in various ways. Data which has not been processed beyond its being sensed, measured, recorded, transmitted, and stored has no network significance, meaning, or value and, therefore, must undergo further processing in the form of analysis.

This can be done automatically through algorithms or via direct forms of critical reflection (individually or in groups), or through some combination of the two. Irrespective of which of the foregoing possibilities is pursued, data is characterized, parsed, diagnosed, organized, classified, and evaluated according to certain principles, assumptions, weighted values, purposes, goals, mathematical treatments, and the like while also searching for patterns, connections, structural features, and logical properties within different dimensions of that data.

Networks are coping mechanisms. People create networks because they have no insight into the nature of reality and construct networks in the hope that such a systemizing of experience will lead to the sort of insights and wisdom that might resolve the problem for which the network has been created and, thereby, provide a way to cope with a given situation.

To cope does not mean one understands what is transpiring. Coping is a way of getting through a situation irrespective of whether, or not, one knows what one is doing and irrespective of whether, or not, one is dealing with a situation in the most constructive, epistemologically defensible, and morally appropriate manner.

Pathology often emerges in the context of coping mechanisms because many coping mechanisms are based on delusional thinking as a result of faulty analysis and problematic forms of critical reflection. When an individual suffers from some form of pathology as a result of an unreliable and destructive (to oneself or others) coping mechanism, this is tragic, but when the military seeks to impose on all human beings its modalities of network-centric coping mechanisms which have rarely, if ever, been demonstrated to serve the interests of sovereignty or truth but, instead, tend to enhance the self-serving interests of banks, corporations, corrupt politicians, psychopaths, and ego-driven glory seekers, then, one is not dealing with a tragedy but, rather, one is confronted by an evil which destabilizes humankind and is incapable of constructively solving issues.


Network Load Balancing” – The term “shedding” has emerged over the last several years as a way of trying to explain the existence of certain forms of illness that are believed, by some, to be due to the manner in which various human beings have been exposed to environmental toxins (not pathogens). In turn, these toxins are alleged to be excreted by previously exposed people through their breath, sweat, blood, semen, as well as other bodily fluids and waste materials.

An alternative approach to the foregoing dynamic has to do with the idea that illness can be induced through being exposed to certain kinds of electromagnetic frequencies. In such instances if one considers people to be like nodes on one, or more, networks, then, under the right set of circumstances, various frequencies can be transmitted to proximate individuals (nodes) through a process in which network traffic continues to be transferred to other nearby nodes or networks as a way of balancing the load within a given network without requiring some form of routing.

In both cases it is a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time but the modality of transmission is different in the two cases. One form of transmission involves the shedding of toxins which, subsequently, contaminate or poison other human beings, while the other form of transmission involves certain kinds of illness-inducing frequencies (not pathogens) which are transferred from one person to another through a process of network load balancing.

The foregoing set of possibilities is not necessarily an either/or situation. A third possibility is that both shedding of poisons and toxins, as well as various forms of network load balancing might take place – either separately or simultaneously.


Neuromorphic Computing” – This involves a set of nanotechnological materials, devices, and computational algorithms that seek to mimic, simulate, or model the manner in which biological neurons supposedly process information. Neuromorphic computing is purported to be a way of mirroring the manner in which human beings think.

The association between neuronal activity and mental activity is correlational and not necessarily causal in nature, perhaps in the same way that the activities of a television set have a correlational relationship, and not, necessarily a causal relationship, with the programs that appear on its screen. Yes, those programs would not be visible if the television set wasn’t functioning properly, but the television set is not what created those programs.

Neuromorphic computing might be able to mirror the manner in which neurons operate. However, this does not necessarily mean that neuromorphic computing is capable of mirroring how human beings are able to think or have experiences which are phenomenological in nature.


OMNeT++” (Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++) – This is not a simulator but, rather, it establishes a framework which provides tools and structural features that enable simulations to be written or created through programming languages such as Python. Models can be created through the construction of modules which can be assembled in Lego-like fashion, and those modules can be connected via gates that provide a context or medium through which messages/data, of one kind or another, can be sent.

One might suppose that OMNeT++-like frameworks could be established – or, perhaps, already have been established -- on a nanoscale to provide a basis for generating network simulations that are thought-like or logic-like in character and capable of being sensed and, like an intuition, capable of vectoring or tensoring aspects of phenomenology in different directions via specific frequencies, which, without necessarily being clearly seen in any concrete manner, are written into various modules and affect the way in which those modules operate. If so, I don’t see this as being a good thing but, yet, another way in which the ones who are controlling such technology are seeking to control the minds of human beings.


Optogenetics” – Eleven years ago, a TED talk featured two researchers who were able to surgically implant a device that enabled them to combine light and light-sensitive proteins to erase or alter memories in mice. Today, such implants are no longer necessary because everything can be done wirelessly. Indeed, scientists have the capacity to expose organisms to light in a way which can alter the manner in which the genes in those organisms can be expressed – that is, turned on and off.

Many scientists believe they have the right to take such research and technology as far as it will take them – especially if money, fame, and career are involved. However, very few of those scientists ever wonder about the rights of human beings to be free from the ramifications of that sort of research and technology because for the former individuals science is all about the right of discovery and not at all about the problems which such discoveries create.

Indigenous peoples indicate that before acting one should understand the implications of one’s actions for seven succeeding generations. Unfortunately, all too many scientists and researchers cannot see into the future beyond the temporal boundaries associated with their paychecks, royalties, names, or egos.


Panopticon” – In an essay on this topic, Jeremy Bentham argued that the best form of a prison would be one in which: (a) prisoner cells would be open to a central tower into which prisoners could not see and, therefore, the prisoners would never know whether, or not, the tower was being occupied with people who were observing the prisoners and, in addition, (b) prisoners would not be permitted to interact with one another. Bentham considered the Panopticon to be an ideal template for how society, in general, ought to work.

In other words, according to Bentham, if prisoners or citizens did not know at any given point in time whether, or not, they were being observed by authorities, then, the prisoners and citizens eventually would internalize the values and principles that authorities wanted them to adopt and, in the process, prisoners and citizens would become their own self-contained Panopticon in which the values and principles of the system would always be viewing them and from which escape would become impossible because those values and principles had been internalized and become invisible stewards of behavior.

The whole idea of propaganda, censorship, and surveillance is to establish conditions which are similar to those of the Panopticon. The tower toward which the cells of citizens open is constructed from materials made from the surveillance capabilities possessed by the police, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, the Internal Revenue Service, the military, the medical system, the educational system, and sixteen, or so, other so-called “intelligence” services and which one never knows whether, or not, such entities are making use of their surveillance capabilities in order to observe the activities of one, or more, citizens. Furthermore, time and time again, a wealth of evidence has been brought forth that corporations, Big Tech, the media, the educational system, and even science and medicine have played prominent roles in censoring what people can see, read, say, or think. Furthermore, jurists who are intellectually and morally challenged have given the United States federal government the right to propagandize its citizens with whatever fantastical notions and phantasmagoria will serve the government’s capacity to mislead, misinform, or disinform the general populace in order to maintain, if not extend, control over, its citizenry.

The domains of: The Internet of Things, the Internet of NanoThings, the Internet of Bio-NanoThings, the Internet of Medical Things, The Internet of Behaviors, and The Internet of Everything are all dedicated toward optimizing the operational capabilities of the Panopticon that started to be built in America more than 237 years ago, and, now, the Panopticon -- thanks to optogenetics, wireless communication, biosensors, nanotechnology, DARPA, the FCC, the IEEE, and other modern day wonders – cannot only track, trace, and terminate individuals, but, as well, the Panopticon entity known as government can, without consent, turn a person’s genes on and off as they like.

Mind control internalizes the Panopticon. Virtual reality induces one to become isolated from, and discontinue interacting with, other individuals. Consensual validation becomes a process of submitting to whatever one is told by the Panopticon system.


Pervasive Computing” – which is also known as, or referred to as, “intrusive computing” -- is the process of placing microprocessors everywhere so that people’s privacy can be invaded in ways that are important to the make-work projects of data gathers, their overlords, and individuals who wish to use such data to better control people, but impinge on the lives of individuals in ways that are largely irrelevant – if not counterproductive -- to helping those people live happy, sovereign lives.


Photonics” – The term has been in use at least since the early 1950s and encompasses the processes involved in applying optical principles to the world. It is a form of engineering.

Masers – 1958 -- (microwave amplification by the stimulation of emitted radiation) and lasers – 1960 -- (light amplification by the stimulation of emitted radiation) are a few of the early results generated through photonic engineering. Optical fibers are another product which has emerged through that kind of engineering activity.

However, one might also point out in passing that photonics has made possible the directed energy weapons which were turned against United States citizens in places such as Paradise, California and Lahaina, Hawaii. One also has photonics to thank for, on the one hand, a less hazardous form of LED technology that emits blue light of certain problematic frequencies (e.g., 400 – 500 nanometers) which can damage the retina of the eyes as well as interfere with sleep patterns that, in turn, can lead to psychological and other health problems, and, on the other hand, one also can thank photonics for the existence of a much more lethal set of frequencies which can be emitted through streetlights that are part of an active system of denial and control (e.g., see the work of Aman Jabbi and Mark Steele).

Moreover, one could reflect on the role which photonics plays in the development of optogenetics. For example, technology based on photonics can be used to turn genes on and off from outside of the body, via such modes of delivery as drones.


Plasmonics” – This is a field of study which explores, and seeks applications for, the physical phenomena which occur on a nanoscale in conjunction with the interface of particular kinds of metals and dielectrics (materials that serve as electrical insulators which become polarized when exposed to an electrical field and, among other things, can enhance capacitance or energy storage in electronic circuits). A plasmon is a quantum of plasma oscillation, and plasmonics explores the properties of such plasma oscillations and how they can be manipulated on the nanoscale.

These coherent oscillations are associated with electromagnetic waves that exist along the nanoscale interface that juxtaposes a dielectric and a metal. Various metals have different plasmonics properties, and artificially designed nonporous metals have an array of plasmonics properties.

Plasmonics has potential ramification for bio-photonics.  Consequently, not only does plasmonics carry possible applications for such fields of study as optogenetics (the use of light to turn genes on and off), but, as well, it raises questions as to how, and to what extent, bio-photonics and plasmonics might adversely affect or suppress the health of a person’s biofield.


Politicians” – members of a parasitic class who pretend to be public servants while expecting the public to be their servants. These are individuals who are well-versed in the process of de-stabilizing society through the checks and balances of: Delusions, illusions, subterfuge, rationalizations, and self-serving duplicity.


Precision Medicine” – Also known as “personalized medicine” – Seeks to develop treatments which reflect the unique properties of a given individual’s genetic makeup, environment, and life style. Nonetheless, and just to raise one set of issues, if the value of the diagnostic tests which are used are questionable (e.g., as is the case with PCR tests and COVID-19, as well as is the case in relation to the ELISA blood assay and Western Blot tests which are used in conjunction with “HIV causes AIDS” scenarios), and/or if one’s theory of medicine is based on a monomorphic paradigm of disease rather than a pleiomorphic paradigm of  microorganisms, then, what happens to the precision in such medicine? Similarly, if one doesn’t recognize that EMFs in the environment can act as toxins and poisons, then, how, precisely, is one to ensure that medical treatment will properly reflect the environment in which such a person exists?


Project Salus” – This is a data-driven analysis of the purported effectiveness of mRNA treatments against the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2. However, given that no one has provided credible and reliable evidence that SARS-CoV-2 (in any of its alleged variant forms) actually exists (see the work of Andy Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka, as well as Sam and Mark Bailey) and, therefore, one cannot demonstrate that mRNA treatments are effective in countering non-existent viruses, or their variants, then, Project Salus begins at no credible beginning and works toward no credible end.


Quantum Dots” – These are nanoscale-sized, semiconductor nanocrystal particles which, usually, only occupy a few nanometers of space. They have electronic and optical properties which are governed by quantum dynamics and are of value in different facets of nanotechnology.

An individual quantum dot is sometimes referred to as an “artificial atom.” Several quantum dots can be coupled together to form an “artificial molecule,” and, in addition, a set of quantum dots can be organized into superlattices that have solid-state-like properties which are capable of exhibiting an array of electronic and optical properties.

Quantum dots are entirely artificial in nature. The research of Ana Mihalcea, David Nixon, Mateo Taylor, and La Quinta Columna has demonstrated that such artificial entities are showing up in the blood streams of people and, as well, that such quantum dots appear to be playing active roles in a variety of self-assembly dynamics which are giving rise to nanotechnological-like devices such as sensors, antennae, routers, and other forms of synthetic biology that are forming in the blood streams of people.


Synthetic Biology” – Is this term oxymoronic? In other words, if something is synthetic then irrespective of the technological quality of that something, can it be considered to be biological in any sense?

 Biology is the study of life. So, what property or properties must a synthetic: System, dynamic, network, or entity have to possess in order for it to be referred to as being biological in nature, and, therefore, a phenomenon which gives expression to the quality of life of a biological kind?

Is biological life a matter of: Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, sugars, nucleic acids, cofactors, water, and the like being organized in a set of interacting, mutually supportive and modulating pathways that are regulated by a series of instructions which, when operating properly, are collectively capable of generating a stable, functioning system of processes which exhibits a resistance to the pull of entropy by extracting from the environment what is needed to enable such a system to have continuity across time by means of series of transduction dynamics which convert environmental materials into usable forms of energy that help to underwrite the internal dynamics of such a system? How arbitrary is the foregoing way of characterizing life?

Is life just a matter of chemistry and physics? What makes the organization, structure, timing, awareness, and order of a biological entity possible? Are such properties merely emergent, self-assembling functions of physics and chemistry?

Is epigenetics nothing more than an expression of physics and chemistry? Or, do physics and chemistry have to be directed in certain ways in order for epigenetics to be possible, and, if so, then, what is the nature of this directing force?

Nucleic acids do not appear to be able, on their own, to regulate their modalities of expression. Instead, DNA and RNA both seem to be responding to something beyond themselves, as words seem to be dependent on something beyond themselves in order to become organized into an interacting system of syntax and semantics that is capable of making sense when properly interpreted by some other, parallel system which gives expression to an interacting framework that also is capable of a form of semantics and syntax that is capable of understanding the other system?

How did physics and chemistry give rise to a system that is capable of using triplets of five nucleic acids to stand for just 20, or so, amino acids out of the hundreds of amino acids which are possible? How did RNA come to serve as a way of translating DNA into proteins? The answer to these questions cannot necessarily be found in either physics or chemistry nor will such answers necessarily be found in the chaotic and complexity variants of those disciplines.

Until one knows what life is, and until one knows what makes biology possible, then, to speak of “synthetic biology” seems premature. Synthetic systems are not necessarily biological systems, and, consequently, for transhumanists to suppose that the synthetic entities which they have created or want to create are the same as, or equivalent to, biological systems tends to blur the lines between life and non-life, just as legal fictions (and fictions is all that such legal pronouncements are) have blurred the line between a person and a corporation.

There seems to be a political agenda underlying the attempt to force-fit synthetic entities into the category of biological organisms. This is not about physics, chemistry, or biology.


Targeted Individuals” – There are tens of thousands of targeted individuals in the United States. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of targeted individuals in other parts of the world.

Targeted individuals are people who have lost control of large swaths of their physical, psychological, emotional, social, and economic lives as a result of the way in which their phenomenology and biology have been hacked by natural, and self-made, psychopaths through the application of the technologies, techniques, and programs which are being outlined in this document.

That to which allusions are being made through the different entries which appear before and following the present entry is not a conspiracy theory or a flight of fantasy. Rather, what is being described are the nuts and bolts of a terrorist campaign into which millions of people have been unwilling abducted and who through no fault of their own have been selected to  serve as beta tests for the rest of us.

As is, sometimes, said in the military: “Be advised.” The Havana Syndrome is just the tip of the iceberg, and many governments are involved in these acts of terrorism.


Telemetry” – This encompasses a set of automated processes of communication in which data is collected, measured, assessed, and transmitted to a command and control center which, in turn, sets in motion a series of responses concerning that data. Initially, telemetry was handled through networks of wired connections, but technological advances have enabled wireless systems to process such data as well as subsequent responses.

Furthermore, AI-equipped nanotechnology, together with, advances in meta-materials, biosensors, routing devices and protocols have made telemetry a largely invisible dynamic which has the capacity to imprison people within that dynamic. Nanoparticulates – including many metals (artificial and otherwise) -- in chemtrails, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, food, and water, together with energy and various molecules that are being siphoned off from the bodies of people being processed, are providing the primary materials for various forms of AI-nanotechnology to, without the consent of the host, set up shop and run all manner of automated telemetry programs.


Tissue Engineering” -- This is a form of biomedical engineering. It serves as a dynamic way of establishing an interface between, on the one hand, biology and, on the other hand, various techniques involving the capacity of engineering, synthetic biology, and nanotechnology to modulate, shape, sculpt, or assemble metamaterials (artificial materials that have the capacity to be affected by, and respond to, light in an array of ways) for purposes of repairing, replacing, or improving the functional character of various processes to which biological tissues give expression.

Technology currently exists which enables such tissue engineering to be conducted from without, using materials and devices that have been placed, often without informed consent, into people’s bodies. For instance, when one combines epigenetics (the processes governing gene expression) with optogenetics (the technology which, among other things, enables someone to turn genes on and off), AI dynamics, stealth systems for introducing metamaterials into people’s body, enhanced IEEE protocols, drone technology, and people who have ceded their agency to the darkest part of themselves (and, unfortunately, there are all too many of these sorts of individuals), then such individuals can engage, from afar, in any kind of tissue engineering which they (or their designated operators) are inclined to pursue in conjunction with targeted individuals of their choice.


Terahertz Radiation” – The term “terahertz” refers to frequencies that are in the order of 1012 cycles per second. “Terahertz radiation” refers to frequency phenomena which occur in a “space” where microwave and infrared forms of electromagnetic radiation overlap to a degree and the “space” where this “overlap” takes place is referred to terahertz radiation.

This form of radiation is considered to be non-ionizing which means that it does not contain sufficient energy to displace electrons from a molecule and, thereby, ionize that molecule. Since ionizing radiation is considered to be biologically destructive or injurious, non-ionizing radiation is often considered to be a safe alternative to radiation that is ionizing in nature.

However, a great deal of research (e.g., Arthur Firstenberg, Samuel Milham, Josh Del Sol, Beverly Rubik, Mark Steel, Olle Johansson, Daniel Debaun, and Martin Pall) has indicated that non-ionizing radiation entails its own set of potential problems with respect to the health of all manner of biological organisms. Consequently, to refer to terahertz waves as a non-ionizing form of radiation doesn’t necessarily mean it is safe to be used in conjunction with, say, human beings or the biological environment that surrounds human beings.

Nanoscale devices have been developed and are continuing to be developed which have healthcare applications. In order for such devices to be of value, they have to be capable of two-way communication.

Terahertz frequencies have been introduced as a form of radiation which would be characterized by low energy features and would be able to exhibit precision localization in conjunction with, among other things, such tasks as targeted drug delivery.

Putting aside the issue of whether, or not, terahertz radiation’s non-ionizing property constitutes a hazard (short-term and/or long-term) to biological organisms, one could also raise questions about whether, or not, the drugs which are to released through a targeted form of delivery are necessarily in the best interests of a patient. The delivery system entails one set of questions and issues, and that which is being delivered gives expression to another set of questions and issues.

Aside from the issues surrounding the technology of delivery and the nature of the drug that is being delivered, there is a third set of questions and issues which arise in conjunction with the ability to send commands to such a delivery device. This has to do with the theory of medicine which governs the use of such devices and drugs.

Viruses have not been proven to exist. If one is using terahertz radiation to send commands to a nanoscale device to release an anti-viral form of medication or treatment, then, perhaps, there are some other questions and issues which need to be addressed as well.

One might also ask whether nanotechnology is necessarily the best approach to issues of health or whether nanotechnology is even compatible with health. A lot depends on what one considers the nature of disease and health to be, and from a certain perspective, nanotechnology is not only highly invasive but might be counterproductive to the way in which, for example, the epigenetic system or the biofield operate.

Finally, there is an elephant in the room. All too many doctors were willing to make claims during the so-called COVID pandemic concerning what COVID was and how it should be diagnosed or how it should be treated, and those claims were not necessarily based on either good science or sound, constructive medical clinical practice.

Consequently, there is a monumental trust problem that has developed with respect to many dimensions of the health and medical systems.  The foregoing trust issue is exacerbated by the arrogance of medical and health practitioners who believe they have the right to force people to abide by medical theories which lack scientific rigor and cannot withstand even a moderate form or critical reflection concerning the claims which are being made through the promulgation of those sorts of theories.

Diagnostic errors and prescribed medicines account for hundreds of thousands of deaths each and every year and have been doing so for decades. If any other group of people caused this kind of carnage, war would have been declared against them long ago, but, apparently, such people have become – and not for reasons that can be justified -- a legally protected species.

When considering issues like terahertz radiation, nanoscale devices, and targeted drug delivery that can be directed through wireless forms of communication, one must place such issues in an appropriate evidential context. Moreover, given that evidential context, one can’t help but ask what such people are really up to because, despite the hype, what is being pushed through bio-nanotechnology raises a lot of questions which are not being adequately addressed by health and medical practitioners.


UN – ITU (International Telecommunication Union) -- This organization is an updated edition of the International Telegraph Union which began operations in 1865 by seeking to internationally regulate an array of issues having to do with telegraphy. Eventually, the organization broadened out and began to develop standards and practices for regulating radio and telephone.

The International Telegraph Union changed its name to the International Telecommunication Union in 1932 to reflect it expanding roles in governing, controlling, and setting standards with respect to various forms of communication technology. In 1947 the ITU entered into an agreement with the United Nations, and that agreement was activated in 1949.

What gives the ITU (in any of its iterations) or the United Nations the right to control, or set standards for, operating different forms of telecommunications? The short answer is: “Nothing,” anymore than the IEEE has an inherent right to do what it does.

These organizations are arbitrary constructions that have been made possible through the power wrangling of backroom political dealings, financial arrangements, and select power groups. However competent -- and, perhaps, even well-meaning -- some (not all) of the individuals in such organizations might be, they have unilaterally assigned to themselves the right to control what can and can’t be done in various areas of lived life.

Given that the 1947 agreement entered into between the ITU and the United Nations gave rise to the very first UN agency, one doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that the aforementioned agreement is a critical step to gain control over what does and doesn’t take place in the various realms of telecommunications. Such an agreement is the kind of agreement that people in such organizations might make if their ultimate aim was to work toward a one-world government to which the people of the world had little access, and over which they had even less control.

Currently, the UN and the ITU play roles in helping to assign satellite orbits and, as well, they are active in such areas as: Wireless technologies, broadband Internet, optical fiber technology, maritime and aeronautical navigation, and setting standards and protocols for different facets of telecommunications. While one  might agree that these are all areas which need people to come together to figure out ways to handle various issues and problems that are entailed by such  technologies, nonetheless, I don’t recall that either of these organizations actively sought out the contributions of anyone but a select group of technical, financial, and governmental power brokers.

The agreement between the ITU and the United Nations resonates with the agreement which the United Nations is currently negotiating with certain power brokers around the world in relation to the proposed updating of the Pandemic Treaty. Such an agreement allegedly would enable the UN to have near-total control over the way in which the people of the world respond to so-called public health emergencies. The term “allegedly” is used in the previous sentence because the UN has failed to abide by its own rules concerning the process for negotiating such an agreement and, more importantly, not only has the United States Senate not engaged in a vote that passed such an agreement with a two-thirds majority as is required by the Constitution, but, as well, the Senate has no authority to turn over the sovereignty of American citizens to a foreign body.

The UN claims that such negotiations are only about establishing a set of protocols for building an operational framework that will regulate how human beings are to proceed in the case of emergencies and will not affect the sovereignty of any country or person. However, if such a claim is to be believed, then, why bother with such agreements at all since merely sharing information would provide people in different localities with food for thought to critically reflect upon and come to their own conclusions about how best to deal with emergencies.

Such agreements – whether in the case of the ITU or in the case of the Pandemic Treaty – are not about health, well-being, co-operation, or resolving technical problems. Instead, they are maneuvers intended to accrue power and control through stealth and manipulation. The World Health Organization, the ITU, the Bank of International Settlements, and the World Economic Forum are all located in Switzerland … a centralized location for centralized governance.


Virtual Reality” – This gives expression to a form of artificially constructed reality that is capable of establishing contexts which induce frequency following behavior and entrainment dynamics through which people’s cognitive activities can be modulated, suppressed, biased, and controlled. Virtual reality has the capacity to serve as a person’s primary source of consensus validation in which one’s understanding of experience and phenomenology becomes a function of how one engages virtual reality and how virtual reality engages the individual. As such, the individual becomes isolated from a range of other ideas, opinions, experiences, and conditions that are independent of, and, therefore, not controlled by, what transpires within the realm of virtual reality.

Virtual reality is touted as a medium for education. Such a medium is exceedingly vulnerable to considerable corruption in which education – or what is called “education” -- becomes an immersive, consuming, even addictive process that uses subtle techniques of undue influence to shape understanding and hermeneutical orientation. Such a process has little to do with having the freedom and wise, competent assistance that is needed to explore issues through critical inquiry but, instead, the aforementioned process is a function of an array of biases, assumptions, theories, principles, and policies through which an individual is induced, little by little, to cede one’s moral, intellectual, physical, and spiritual agency to the overlords of the educational network – the very antithesis of real education.


WBAN” (Wireless Body Area Network) – This is a surveillance system which provides a continuous stream of monitored data concerning what takes place: Within, on, and around a given biological domain, including cognitive and behavioral activity. To whatever extent such a system is used without informed consent, then, to that extent, WBAN is an expression of transhumanist, post-humanist, technocratic, and/or oppressive forms of surveillance. To whatever extent such a system interferes with, undermines, adversely affects, injures, or overrides a person’s bodily sovereignty, then, to that extent, WBAN is a tool of transhumanist, post-humanist, technocratic, and/or oppressive forms of surveillance. To whatever extent such a system is used to induce a person to be, or become, controlled by an external source of political, social, economic, financial, medical, technological, and/or military control, then, to that extent the WBAN system is a manipulative and transformative policy program that is shaped by transhumanist, post-humanist, technocratic, and/or oppressive forms of surveillance. To whatever extent such a system is used to track, trace, herd, or terminate individuals, then, to that extent, WBAN is a transhumanist, post-humanist, technocratic, and/or oppressive form of surveillance agenda.

The WBAN is never value-neutral. It is always a function of the hermeneutical context which governs how, when, where, and why it is being used and deployed.


Xenobot” – These are real-world constructs which give expression to AI-assisted, computer-generated blueprints for constructing synthetic entities which are designed to serve some biological function by bringing together various kinds of tissue in non-natural, artificial ways. Xenobots are made from frog cells, and, in fact, the name is modeled after the Latin terminology for the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis).

There is a considerable amount of debate among researchers, scientists, engineers, and medical practitioners about what ‘Xenobots’ are (e.g., robots, life forms, synthetic biology, etc.). This sort of debate might be a good indication that the people who are engaged in such research don’t necessarily know what they are doing but are just fooling around with various kinds of frog tissue to see what might transpire.

Xenobots can be provided with different kinds of sensors and actuators which enable them to move about their environment and perform certain functions (one of which, of course, is movement). In addition, xenobots can be equipped with a form of molecular memory through the introduction of an RNA molecule into the entity which is capable of responding to the presence of certain frequencies of light.

Moreover, such entities also are able to replicate. In other words, they have been given a capacity to gather cells in their vicinity and perform the necessary operations which will make new versions of themselves.

Xenobots operate off of the energy that is stored in some of the fats and proteins that are present in the tissue. Once these energy sources are used up, the xenobot becomes a dead skin cell.

Some researchers have suggested that xenobots should be let loose in the world to perform various functions, such as gathering together various kinds of pollutants for subsequent disposal in some, hopefully, non-polluting manner. Other individuals believe xenobots might have medical applications.

Many scientists love to talk about complexity theory and the way in which emergent behavior can arise from system which exhibit properties of complexity. So, when researchers talk about releasing xenobots into the world, especially in swarms that are coordinated to serve such functions, one wonders what emergent properties of an unwanted nature might arise out of such complex systems. Where is Michael Crichton when you need him?


You” – You are the intended target of the many kinds of technologies, networks, programs, policies, protocols, and standards which have been outlined, and commented on, in this document. Do your best to extricate yourself from all political, legal, educational, medical, scientific, technical, social, and religious networks that seek to reduce you to being nothing but a node on a network in which one is subject to the operational constraints and degrees of freedom of such networks rather than being able to exercise God-given sovereignty.


ZigBee” – This is a communication protocol established by the IEEE (802.15.4) for creating networks that are characterized by properties such as being: Wireless, low-power, low-data rate, and proximate (which is why ZigBee is used in personal area networks that provide the telemetry which links near-by electronic devices – tablets, phones, computers – with, for example, “wearables” – whether in or on the body).

ZigBee is less complex and less expensive than other communication protocol systems such as Bluetooth or various Wi-Fi forms of communication protocols. Nonetheless, ZigBee is capable of transmitting data over long distances by routing the data through various kinds of mesh networks that are hooked up with distant communication and control centers.

ZigBee is capable of being integrated with systems of artificial intelligence. So, when various entities -- with the assistance of artificial intelligence algorithms – have been observed to be self-assembling in the bloodstreams of human beings (as demonstrated by the work of, among others, Ana Mihalcea, Clifford Carnicom, David Nixon, Len Ber, Mateo Taylor, Robert Young, and La Quinta Columna), one of the options for expanding the communicative reach of such entities is ZigBee … This realization is very reassuring and comforting.


The foregoing material is a modernized, updated addendum to Ambrose Bierce’s original compilation of entries known as: The Devil’s Dictionary. Due to an absence of talent, the present offering is not as entertaining, funny, stylish, or comprehensive as the original work.

Nevertheless, this document seeks to bear witness in a sincere manner to certain events in the modern world just as AB sought to sincerely bear witness to events that were taking place in his world. Moreover, for reasons that are entirely beyond his control, AB did not have access to the same sorts of news sources as I do, and, therefore, there might be a few entries in the present addendum which are somewhat more news-worthy than are some of the entries in his initial: The Devil’s Dictionary.

Ambrose was a veteran (first lieutenant) of the Civil War. I have become a reluctant veteran (rank private) in another kind of ‘civil war’, and the foregoing entries outline the nature of certain aspects of the present conflict.






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